
My research interests are in algebraic geometry, number theory, and combinatorics.

Tropical resultants

Resultant polytopes

Suppose we have polynomials \(f_1, \dots, f_n \in \mathbb{C}[x_1, \dots, x_m],\) each of the form

\[f_i = b_{i, 1} x_1^{a_{i,1}} + \dots + b_{i, m} x_m^{a_{i, m}},\]

where \(b_{i,k} \in \mathbb{C}\) and \(a_{i, k} \in \mathbb{Z}.\) What can we say about the choices of coefficients \(b_{i,k}\) which satisfy \(f_1 = \dots = f_n = 0\)?

As it turns out, there is a unique polynomial called the resultant which is defined as a polynomial \(R\) of the coefficients such that \(R(b_{1,1}, \dots, b_{n, m}) = 0\) if and only if the \(b_{i, j}\)’s satisfy \(f_1 = \dots = f_n = 0\).

The resultant is readily computed by calculating the elimination ideal (e.g. by Groebner basis) the ideal \(I = (f_1, \dots, f_n)\) generated by the polynomials. The generator of the elimination ideal is precisely the resultant; however, in general, this operation is very slow as computing Groebner bases is computationally intensive (in both a theoretical sense and a practical sense: Buchberger’s algorithm, the primary method for computing Groebner bases, runs in about double-exponential time and computing resultants in quantities in the thousands in Sage without parallelism takes a modest computer anywhere from hours to days).

Below is a simple example resultant computed using SageMath. Here, we define

\[p_1 = a_{11}x_1 + a_{12}x_2 + a_{13}\] \[p_2 = a_{21}x_1 + a_{22}x_2 + a_{23}\] \[p_1 = a_{31}x_1 + a_{32}x_2 + a_{33}\]

which live in the ring \(\mathbb{Q}[x_1, x_2]\), and compute the generator of the corresponding elimination ideal of \(I\) with respect to \(x_1\) and \(x_2\).

The last line, resultant.newton_polytope(), computes the Newton polytope of the resultant, which is defined as the convex hull of the exponent vectors of the resultant polynomial. (By exponent vectors, we mean the ordered tuples of integers whose \(i\)th entry is the exponent of \(x_i\) in any particular monomial.)

The Newton polytope is useful not only because it is a way to visualize a polynomial, but it also provides a link to the powerful tools of algebraic and tropical geometry. As it turns out, there is a bijection between the number of vertices of the Newton polytope of the resultant and the number of arrangements of so-called tropical hypersurfaces corresponding to the original polynomials.

Tropical geometry

Tropical geometry is the study of the tropical semiring, which is usually defined as \(\mathcal{T} = (\mathbb{R} \cup \{+\infty\}, \oplus, \otimes)\) where the ring operations are defined by

\[x \oplus y = \min(x, y)\] \[x \otimes y = x + y.\]

Equivalently, we can substitute \(-\infty\) and define \(x \oplus y = \max(x, y).\) Under this interpretation, the tropical semiring can be thought of as a projection of the real numbers under the logarithm map, using the fact that for \(x\) and \(y\) sufficiently far apart we have

\[\log(x + y) \approx \log \max(x, y) \text{ and}\] \[\log(xy) = \log x + \log y.\]

An important fact to note is that these definitions satisfy all but one of the ring axioms; i.e. the set \(\mathbb{R} \cup \infty\) is an abelian group under \(\oplus\), the \(\otimes\) operation distributes and is associative, and \(\infty\) acts as the additive identity or “zero.” The only missing axiom is the presence of additive inverses; for instance, there is no element \(y\) such that \(\min(5, y) = \infty\).

The tropical semiring induces a mechanism by which we can “linearlize” polynomials. For example, the tropical projection of

\[p(x, y) = x^2 + y^5 + 2xy + 10\]


\[\mathcal{T}(p(x)) = (x^{\otimes 2}) \oplus (y^{\otimes 5}) \oplus (2 \otimes x \otimes y) \oplus 10 = \min(2x, 5y, 2+x+y, 10).\]

As we can see, plotting the tropical curve results in a concave, piecewise linear function (note that if we use the maximum instead of the minimum, we get a convex function instead). The points where the piecewise components join together are called roots; equivalently, these are the points at which the minimum of the tropical polynomial is achieved more than once. The number of times the minimum value is achieved is called the order of the root, and this is equal to the difference in neighboring slopes at each root point.

The last line prints the Newton polytope of the original polynomial. If you look closely, you’ll see that the slopes of the edges of the polytope are inverses of the slopes of the tropical curve—put precisely, the tropical curve can be identified with the normal fan of the polytope. Here is where the connection between tropical geometry and resultants shines through: it is much easier to deal with minima and sums than it is to deal with multiplication, addition, and exponentiation, so if we can think about tropical curves, we might be able to speed up resultant computations and avoid Groebner basis calculations altogether.

This connection forms the basis of this project. My co-advisor Dr. Josephine Yu proved that some characteristics of the tropical resultant of a set of polynomials can be computed in polynomial time, which is a huge improvement over the exponential running time of Buchberger’s algorithm for computing Groebner bases. Thus, if we can come up with ways to cleverly manipulate tropical resultants, it may be possible to deduce properties of the resultant polynomial with much less computational effort.

Our main result is a collection of unique \(f\)-vectors sampled randomly and computed using tropical resultants of hypersurfaces much more quickly than is possible using Faugère’s F4 and F5-type algorithms. Quantitatively: using Gfan and Python multiprocessing on a modern 16-core processor, over 1,000,000 four-dimensional resultants were computed in just over 9 hours; the same task using non-tropical methods could easily take several days or more. With these datasets comes several conjectures about the maximal structure of \(f\)-vectors of resultant polytopes in four and five dimensions.

Sampling of strong orientations

Let \(G = (V, E)\) be a strongly connected directed graph with \(|V| = n\) and \(|E| = m\). An orientation \(\mathcal{O}\) of \(G\) is a particular assignment of edge directions. Define for each vertex \(v_i \in V\)

\[\alpha_i = \text{indeg}(v_i) - \text{outdeg}(v_i).\]

If we define \(\alpha = (\alpha_1, \dots, \alpha_{n})\) then we say that \(\mathcal{O}\) is an \(\alpha\)-orientation of \(G\). Clearly, every orientation \(\mathcal{O}\) of \(G\) has some \(\alpha \in \mathbb{Z}^n\) such that \(\mathcal{O}\) is an \(\alpha\)-orientation of \(G\); thus the mapping of orientations to \(\alpha\)’s induces an equivalence relation on the set of all orientations of \(G\).

It is a basic fact that any orientation can be transformed into any other orientation via a sequence of directed cycle reversals. Further, directed cycle reversals do not change the \(\alpha\) of a particular orientation, so the equivalence classes under directed cycle reversals are the same as the equivalence classes under the mapping from \(\mathcal{O} \mapsto \alpha(\mathcal{O})\).

A strong orientation of a graph \(G\) is an orientation such that there exists a directed path from any vertex to any other vertex. From this discussion, we can ask the following question: how can we uniformly sample strong orientations of graphs?